
  • 87th Session Recap - Taxes

    H.B. 1195 - Relating to the franchise tax treatment of certain loans and grants made under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

    This law change impacts the forgiveness of … more

  • 87th Session Recap - Construction and HVAC

    H.B. 871 - Relating to the municipal fees charged to certain air conditioning and refrigeration contractors.

    H.B. 871 was another bill strongly supported and advocated for by TMHA, along with the … more

  • 87th Session Recap - Transportation

    H.B. 1257 - Relating to the definition of personal property for purposes of removing personal property from a roadway or right-of-way.

    H.B. 1257 is a bill specific to manufactured housing and … more

  • 87th Session Recap - Zoning and Local Land Use Policy

    H.B. 1475 - Relating to municipal board of adjustment zoning variances based on unnecessary hardship.

    Last session, the legislature took action to make necessary reforms to help clarify the process … more

  • 87th Session Recap - Expansion of Broadband

    H.B. 5 - Relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the critical importance of a robust broadband infrastructure network … more

  • Texas Manufactured Home Shipments in April 2021


    Shipments followed the typical seasonal decline in April moving down a raw -11% from March’s series high which equated to a seasonally adjusted -0.6% below last month’s level. The total of … more

  • Sine Die - End of 2021 Texas Session

    The 2021 Texas Legislative Session has ended.  It is hard to fully articulate how unusual and chaotic this session was compared to previous sessions.  While generally viewed as the most conservative … more