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TMHA’s 2025 Offensive Playbook – The Bills We are Working to Pass
TMHA is actively working to advance six bills this session that are MH industry specific (i.e. the Good):
HB 3527 by Rep. McQueeny & SB 1341 by Sen. Handcock - relating to the regulation of … more
Texas’ First Tenants Right of First Refusal, and Personal Property MH Killer
At the risk of exhausting my metaphor from my previous post that highlighted this session’s offensive playbook, we all know a team’s defensive is just as, if not more, important than its offense. … more
Bills Added to TMHA Defense List on County Land Use Authority at Filing Deadline
And finally, our previous posts have already detailed many of the bills that we have identified as having a possible negative impact on our industry. Most of these bills fall within the landlord/ … more
Texas Manufactured Housing Sales Market Analysis
January Preliminary Data
New manufactured home sales in January titled to date are down a seasonally-adjusted -1.2% from the previous month’s sales and are down -1.9% from January of 2024.
The … more
Texas Manufactured Home Shipments Market Analysis
January Shipments
Manufactured home shipments to Texas retailers in January moved down a seasonally-adjusted -4.5% from the previous month as deliveries slowed per production day to the lowest … more
From the 89th - Bills Targeting Manufactured Home Communities
HB 2904 by Simmons
This is rent control
This is effectively a 5% max rent control and targeted directly at MH communities
The 5% maximum is triggered when the house is “affordable housing” … more
From the 89th – County Zoning and Land Use Bills
HB 878 by Vasut
Bill grants all Texas counties with a population of less than one million, that have more than two houses per acre, essentially complete land use and zoning equivalency controls … more
From the 89th – Landlord/Tenant Bills TMHA Opposes
HB 577 by Bucy
Increases notice to vacate on evictions from 3 to 14 days
HB 798 by Walle & SB 882 by Cook
Massive landlord/tenant law reform, includes nearly every pro-tenant provisions … more
HUD Code Changes Summary and Reference Guide
There has been a lot of talk over the past few months about the sweeping and significant HUD Code changes released back in September 2024. The rule changes comprise of 74 incorporated references … more
Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Housing Service Final Rule Expanding Opportunities to Manufactured Housing in the USDA Program
On January 3, 2025, USDA published a final rule with the, “intent…to allow the Agency to give borrowers increased purchase options within a competitive market and increase adequate housing along with … more