Manufactured Housing Division of TDHCA Board Approves New Administrative Rules
Friday October 10, the board of the Manufactured Housing Division of TDHCA approved changes to the administrative rules governing manufactured housing in Texas. The rules are adopted to comply with House Bill 944 and House Bill 3361 (83rd Legislature, 2013 regular session) that amended the Manufactured Housing Standards Act (Chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code).
The relatively minor changes eliminated rebuilder from the previous rules as that term was removed from statute in 2013. Similarly the rule eliminated the provisions for multiple retailer branch licenses housed under a single license as that provision was also removed because it was never used in real world business practice. The changes added rules related to the one-time fingerprinting requirements and the de minimus increase of three or less for the unlicensed selling of homes in a 12-month period, both to conform to 2013 statutory changes.
The full content of the rule changes can be found in the board book.